Saturday, April 29, 2006

Ice cream bash@ My hostel

photo blog once again.........

This is an event where the warde of the hostel gives away mementos to the outgoing students. During this event I realised that I will be leaving my hostel in a month.

Hostel life changes your personality so drastically. It is again the effect of environment I guess. The sudden freedom you have of doing anything anytime without anyone asking you to comply with any of the rules. The start is the most painful and enjoyable part of it where you try to find your feet as well get an experience of this new found freedom and exposure to so many things at one time. For e.g. the first Saarang (IITM culfest) will be the most cherished for every guy inmy college even the friends you make during the first year with whom you tried to settle in this new way of life.

Here are few pics of the ice cream bash :
Me gettin momento from our warden

WE did eat a LOT of ice cream

Playing with dry Ice.....Look at my was too cold to hold!

After all only change is permanent! :D

Sunday, April 23, 2006

New rubber form discovered!

This new discovery was unknown to the mankind for all these years. We thank the Caterers (RR) for providing us with constant samples throughout the week. We were also oblivious to this new form of rubber until we conducted the stretching test and the chewing test.

Here are the samples:

The source of inspiration are junta who were finding it tough to break the rubber with both hands which was supposedly sold by the secret trade name 'naan'. The author has already filed for a patent.

We conducted the stretch test first. The results showed the material had very high degree of plasticity. We applied the test on Livestrong band which yielded much earlier the 'naan'. We strongly recommend this material for Livestrong foundation and also to Bridgestone tyre company (I am a Schumacher fan you know).

Now we move on the chewing test. The author had to test it on himself(which was painful indeed).The pic on the right is when the author started chewing the 'naan'.

After the author chewed the 'naan' 25 times...

After the author chewed the 'naan' 50 times...

Finally, the author was able to make the 'naan' edible by the chew test after 75 times chewing again and again.

So what do IITians resort to when they are made to eat 'naan'. They take extras from the mess or go to Gurunath to quench their hunger.Here is one specimen who was forced to survive on Milk Bikis as dinner.

I would like to make a sincere appeal to all the IITM junta to popularise this new form of rubber(The author is ready to share the royalties).

Acknowledgement: We thank the RR caterers for providing us with such great source of rubber.

On god's own turf

This is a photo blog about one of my experiences at IIT madras.

It was a wondeful experience to play in an international hockey stadium.

The feeling was overwhelming when we entered the stadium. Imagining that international players fight it out in the same arena where we were going to play.It was being watered initially.We couldn't stop ourselves and went on to the field and started practising and in the process were soaking wet as well.

@IIT Madras we have this nice idea of having farewell match between the outgoing students and the future squad of the rspective sports.Thus, for hockey Dr.Radhakrishnan Hockey stadium was chosen as the venue for the match.

The hockey team squad.

I didn't have a good day on the field though :( .

M for Mandak :D .

We had fun for almost 2 hours at the end of which everyone was tired physically.

It will be one of my memorable experiences at IIT Madras.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Great blog by one of my seniors....

Do chk it out by clicking here

I prefer Left to Right

I can never ever imagine development 'trickling' down to the poor byt he policies followed by a government which is inclined towards the right.

Here is an article which shows the hypocrisy of the right policies. People enjoying meals at high quality restaurants near the largest slum in Asia.

Here a nice piece I read today on the Hindu editorial which conforms to my views:

Where Left differs from the Right

Where the Left does part ways with the Right is on the issue of public policies in general and on social policies in particular.

On the first, the key notion has been that, much as in today's world it is the private sector that drives the economic engine, the government plays a key role in devising tools to leverage the statutory powers of the state with the material resources and managerial capabilities of business. The provision of public infrastructure, a fundamental need in a huge continent such as Latin America, is a classic example.

The notion that the free market by itself will provide the highways, bridges, tunnels and airports that are needed is just as mistaken as the one that hopes against hope that the public sector will come up with the enormous resources to pay for them, willy-nilly. Public-private partnerships are, of course, the answer here, something which India is actively pursuing, as we have seen recently with the adjudication of the bids to upgrade the Delhi and Mumbai airports but the same goes for other areas. Chile managed to generate $6 billion in private investment (mostly foreign) in public infrastructure from 1995 to 2003, and its highways and airports are today ranked among the best in the region.

On social inequalities the Right's standard approach has been "trickle down," that is, to allow economic growth per se to take care of the disadvantaged, on the theory that "a rising tide lifts all boats." And while there is little doubt that without growth there won't be much to distribute, the evidence shows than unless carefully calibrated social policies are also put in place, poverty and huge inequalities will persist. Once again the case of Chile, where poverty was almost halved, from 39 per cent of the population in 1990 to 18 per cent in a decade, is a good example of how the imaginative public policies implemented by a responsible Left have made much headway.

Yes, the Left has won quite a few elections, a majority of Latin Americans are now ruled by Left-led governments, and by leaders who are more representative of their peoples. But, far from being determined to turn the clock backwards towards the failed, statist economic policies of yesteryear, these leaders, by and large, are keen on applying new, imaginative solutions tailored to their country's specific needs, rather than the "one-size-fits-all" approach that has wrought such havoc in the region in the recent past.

Jorge Heine

(Jorge Heine is the Ambassador of Chile to India.)

You can read the complete Editorial by clicking here.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Its not about the Bike...

The book is the biography of Lance Armstrong. A must read book indeed.I will try to capture the essence of the book in a paragraph.

Initially it starts off with Lance's childhood years.It was painful indeed for him as his father left his mother after his birth. He never met his biological father! Throughout his childhood his mother had to put lot of fight to make ends meet. Then he showed great enthusiasm for triathlon at around his teen years and starting winning a lot of tournaments. This supplemented the earnings of his mother as well. He became well known among cyclists in US and won some major tournaments then came the shocking news that he had cancer and he had very little chance of survival. The part after cancer life has astounded as he had to build his reputation back as a world class cyclist again which is very tough indeed. The 2 years he spent before winning tour de france was very painful indeed. The struggle he had gone through is mind blowing.I would like to qoute a paragraph from the poem 'If' by rudyard Kipling which is describes the previous lines previous lines perfectly:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

I bought a livestrong band to remind me just about this.Whenever, I am in a place where I know that i am gonna get psyched I'll wear this. Today I tried it out during my presentation and it was the best presentation I had ever given.

I want to read the biography of Sachin Tendulkar(obviously whenever he finishes writing one).It would be a good read if he mentions how he takes the expectations of the whole nation whenever he goes out to bat.

Feel free to comment!

Comments Please...

For the past 1 month I wasn't at all blogging . One of the reasons being just plain lazy of course but a few comments here and there will be of great help to me to blog even more.

Waiting for your comments :).

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


But stories like this one brings the smile back on my face


What else can you go through when you read this story

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Plied Higher and Deeper

Let me start of with the good news. My journal paper got its first citation yesterday night!

Was just plain lazy to blog or do anything else in the past week. My BTech project review is round the corner and I am yet get any concrete results. I have perfected the art of grinding by grinding a lot of samples for my BTech Project.

I was hooked to this comic strip known as PhD . Finished the comic strip in 2 days. Do check it out (especially those who are planning to apply abroad).

Had a heavy dose of subject-object relationship through Lila by Robert M Pirsig.

Started reading the biography of Lance Armstrong.